Lunchtime Mass

Holy Mass will be celebrated in the Prayer Room of the Belfast Jesuit Centre on Mondays and Fridays from 12.30 -1.00pm.

Join us, bring your lunch and stay for a chat and a cuppa afterwards. Everyone welcome.


Candlelit Mass at St Patrick's, Donegall St. - Sundays @ 6pm

6pm Sunday Candlelit Mass at St Patrick’s, Donegall Street, Belfast

Eucharist means ‘Thanksgiving’, and it is about connecting with the light that is Christ in our lives; it’s a message of hope and joy.

Meditative chant creates a reverent atmosphere in which you can really pray.

This may be the first time you have set foot in a church in a long time and so it is important to know that everyone is welcome.

The invitation is simple: to experience a place of light and peace, with an uplifting message. This is a moment of Christ centred encounter where countless seeds of hope are sown.

Saint Patrick’s is a beautiful and historic church, located in Belfast’s cultural and social heartland, the Cathedral Quarter. Right beside the new Ulster University Belfast campus.

Lectio Divina at the BJC - Tuesdays @ 7.30pm

Re-discover an ancient method of Christian prayer practised in monasteries and now in parishes the world over. This is a slow reading of Sacred Scripture followed by guided personal reflection.  Focussing on the Gospel for each Sunday, new inspiration and wisdom emerges for reflective living.

Meet at 7.30pm Tuesdays at the Belfast Jesuit Centre next to St Patrick’s Church, Donegall Street.

Please keep an eye on our Latest News page for details of any changes to our schedule (eg Christmas and Easter breaks or unavoidable cancellations due to weather etc.)

Jesuit Centre Zoom Book Club - Wednesdays @ 7pm

What Happened at Vatican II” by John W O’Malley, is the latest title chosen by our BJC Book Club members for our New Year read. We’ll start this title on Wednesday 15th January 2025.

Wednesdays 7.00-8.30pm

Our book club has been on the go for 6 years but when COVID forced us online, a host of new readers joined the weekly Wednesday night gatherings and we welcomed new members from across Ireland and internationally, so we have continued to meet online ever since.

We choose spiritual reads that support, critique and challenge faith, but especially titles that might keep you up at night.

Members come from a wide range of educational backgrounds, so we value all experience and all reflections.

Usually we choose recent publications: it helps foster the experience of discovery together.

And key to our Wednesday evenings are the discussions in small groups: a chance to say what you really think.

Wednesdays 19.00-20.30

To register and receive the zoom link please email