The Rescue Project

The Rescue Project for 18-35 year olds, will begin on Thursday 27th February at 7pm in Conference Room 2 of the BJC and will run each Thursday for 9 weeks. Dinner, excellent content, prayer and conversation are all on the menu. To register, follow the QR code.

Lenten Programme with Dr Kieran O'Mahony OSA: Salvation in the Gospel of John

Dr Kieran O’Mahony OSA will return to the BJC this Lent to lead a programme entitled:


The programme will run in the Belfast Jesuit Centre, Donegall St at 7.00pm, on each of the Thursdays of Lent, beginning on the 6th March and concluding on the 10th April.

After a career as a lecturer in biblical studies, Kieran is now part of the Tarsus Scripture School team (Maynooth), offering a combination of online and in person programmes. His own website is:

A suggested donation of between £80-£120 is suggested for the course but a small number of subsidised places are available for those unable to pay.
Early registration is advised as numbers are limited.


A Year of Ignatian Prayer

To coincide with the celebration of Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope announced by Pope Francis and beginning on Christmas Eve, the Belfast Jesuit Centre is pleased to announce an exciting new programme: A Year of Ignatian Prayer.

The aim of the programme is to give participants an immersive Ignatian experience of prayer and reflective living, so that whether you are already familiar with Ignatian spirituality, or are coming to it for the first time, you can deepen your relationship with God, find clarity in your life’s purpose, and cultivate a more mindful, spiritually-enriched way of living.

Topics covered will include:

  • Introduction to St Ignatius: a man for our times
  • Images of God
  • Approaches to prayer – praying with scripture – imaginative contemplation – praying the Examen – journalling
  • Finding God in all things – paying attention to feelings
  • Consolation – Desolation – Discernment
  • Communal Discernment and Synodality
  • God calls me
  • What next?

This list is intended to give a broad flavour of the programme but it is by no means exhaustive.

The emphasis throughout the programme will be on the practice, experience, application and integration of Ignatian spirituality into everyday life, rather than theoretical learning.

It will also offer us the opportunity to journey prayerfully and synodally as members of the Universal Church: Pilgrims of Hope!

The programme will draw on a wide range of Ignatian resources, and sessions will have a mixture of input from the BJC team, experience and practice of prayer, small group sharing, and experience of guided prayer, as well as optional movie screenings each month.

Costs: A donation of between £150 to £200 is suggested to defray costs and a number of bursaries are available.

The dates of the programme are as follows:

Places are strictly limited to ensure our team can offer a quality experience to all attendees so sign up early to avoid disappointment.

To book your place click here