25 Nov 2023

Advent: Preparing our Hearts for Christmas – A retreat in the heart of the city!

In the busyness of the run-up to Christmas, the season of Advent can almost get lost. Why not take some time out from the preparations to reflect on the reason for the season; to prepare your heart for the coming of the Lord.

The Belfast Jesuit Centre is a prayerful oasis of peace and tranquillity in the heart of Belfast City Centre and we’ll be hosting a series of Advent Prayer Retreats on three Sundays in December, the 3rd, 10th and 17th. Come along to any or all of the days. Tickets for each date will be available on Eventbrite.

We’ll begin each retreat day with a tasty hot lunch at 1pm. This will be followed by a talk and time for personal prayer and reflection. The retreat days will conclude with the celebration of Mass at 6pm in St Patrick’s Church, next door to the Jesuit Centre.

Secure parking available.

Tickets are free but a suggested donation will be requested on the day to cover costs. (Please do not let your inability to pay prevent you from attending.)

Click here to book your place!