21 Jun 2024

Belfast Jesuit Centre Visits Caravaggio in the Ulster Museum


Sunday 30th June @ 3pm
Join the Belfast Jesuit Centre as we visit two magnificent Caravaggio masterpieces, reunited for the first time since the 17th Century, in the Ulster Museum.
Commissioned by the same patron and intended to be displayed together, The Taking of Christ (1602) is visiting from the National Gallery of Ireland, where it is on indefinite loan from the Jesuit Province of Ireland, whilst Supper at Emmaus (1601) is visiting from the National Gallery in London.
The journey of these two masterpieces, how they came to be separated and what happened in the period between their separation and now, is almost as fascinating as the paintings themselves.
Join us at the Ulster Museum at 3pm on Sunday 30th June, for a short talk that will reveal the fascinating twists and turns of the story of each painting, a prayerful reflection on each, followed by a viewing of the two masterpieces in all their glory.